


Local time: Timezone: (UTC+01:00) Central Europe Standard TimeDate: Mar 18 2024Time: 06:00 PM - 09:00 PM

Location: Lean-Coders GmbH, Hainburger Str. 33, Vienna


DLT Austria – Blockchain Security in the Quantum Age

Join us for the upcoming DLT Austria’s event! The topic for the night is Quantum Computing – Navigating Blockchain Security in the Quantum Age.

Lean-Coders will kick off the event by laying the groundwork with an overview of quantum computing, cryptography, and blockchain fundamentals. Following this, we’ll delve into how quantum computing impacts blockchain technology.

DI Gottfried Szing (Vorstand DLT Austria) will take the lead in presenting these topics, while Gerald will oversee the event’s proceedings.

If you’re keen on adding your insights to these discussions, we warmly invite you to prepare and share your thoughts. There should be ample time for this, and rest assured, there will be plenty of pizza and drinks available at the venue..

With the advent of quantum computing, the foundational security principles of blockchain are poised for unprecedented challenges and opportunities.

📅 Monday, March 18, 2024
🕔 Time: 6:00 PM – 09:00PM CET
📍 Lean-Coders GmbH
Hainburger Str. 33 · Wien


DLT Austria is an independent think-tank and sees itself as a platform for the exchange of ideas on Blockchain Technology, aiming at evolving Austria into a leading country for Distributed-Ledger-Technologies.

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