


Local time: Timezone: (UTC+03:00) IstanbulDate: Oct 01 2023Time: 01:00 PM - 05:00 PM

Location: Grand Pera - Emek Sahnesi, Istanbul


Cosmosphere 2023 Istanbul

Hosted by Node101, an Istanbul based proof of stake community validator, Cosmosphere 2023 is an educational event covering all thing Cosmos.

​Have you ever wondered about the tech that powers Cosmos Ecosystem? Look no further! The Cosmosphere event is here to break it down for you. The program is like a guided adventure, helping you master the ins and outs of the ecosystem and paving your path to becoming a true Cosmonaut.

Plus, during Cosmosphere, you’ll get an inside peek into the exciting projects and tech of Cosmoverse Week.

​Why Cosmosphere?

​To become a Cosmonaut. ​The main purpose of Cosmosphere is to bring new faces to the Cosmos Ecosystem and turn them into Cosmonauts.

​For Whom?

​New to Cosmos? No problem! ​If you’re intrigued by Cosmoverse week but need the basics of Cosmos, we’ve got you covered.

​Already know a bit about Cosmos but want to chat with the brains behind IBC, Comet BFT, and Cosmos SDK? This event is a must.

​Looking to reinforce your Cosmos smarts, attend beginner-friendly sessions, and dive into mind-blowing Cosmos Ecosystem projects while hearing from the creators themselves? Yep, you’re in for a treat.

​Cosmosphere welcomes everyone aboard, from total newbies to seasoned enthusiasts. Our goal? Take you from zero to hero in understanding Cosmos Ecosystem and nurturing your Cosmonaut journey. Take advantage of this cosmic experience!

​What will I learn?

​From 0 to 1. ​Cosmosphere is an event designed to take your Cosmos knowledge from scratch to one.


  • ​Ethan Buchman, ​CEO, Informal Systems; Co-Founder of Cosmos and Tendermint
  • ​Zaki Manian, ​Co-Founder, Sommelier Protocol; Tendermint, iqlusion
  • ​Marko Baricevic, ​O1 Binary Builders; Cosmos SDK Product Owner
  • ​Jack Zampolin, Co-Founder,  Strangelove Crypto; Tendermint, Akash Network

This is a side event for Cosmoverse 2023

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