
Web3 & Crypto Hub Bern

  Bern, Switzerland

Welcome to the Web3 & Crypto Hub Bern. This is where we meet to discuss the newest and hottest innovations in Web3.

Let’s build something unique together—a community of enthusiasts, a catalyst for developers, artists, creators, collectors & investors.


Sälü zäme
Hie geits um Kryptowährige, Biudli uf der Blocktschein wime ds Bier mit Lightning zaut und wasme mit dere cheibe Distributed Ledger Technoligy so cha paschtle. Git meischtens e gmüetlechi Rundi women cha Frage steue und das cha verzeue women grad so het ufgschnapped ider Letschti. Chum cho luege u lose und verzeu vo dine Erfahrige mit däm Web3 Züg.

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Gruess vo dene wos organisiere.

Find Hotels Web3 & Crypto Hub Bern

📌 Upcoming events 📌

Web3 & Crypto Meetup Bern – January 2025

Date: Jan 30 2025

Time: 06:30 PM — 09:30 PM / (UTC+01:00) Central Europe Standard Time

Department 66, Rathausgasse 66, Bern

Welcome to the Web3 & Crypto Hub Bern! This is the perfect spot for anyone curious about Web3 or already passionate about the world of blockchain. No structured talks or keynote speakers here—just a relaxed gathering of like-minded individuals ready to chat and share insights. Whether you’re a blockchain veteran or taking your first steps […]

📌 Past events 📌