
#Liquid Staking


Long Island Blockchain – Rocket Pool Community Event @PubKey

New York City, NY

Hello Long Island Blockchain Community! We have a special event coming up Friday August 9th. We’re headed to PubKey for a Rocket Pool community gathering. Rocket Pool is a decentralized, liquid staking protocol for Ethereum. The liquid staking token, rETH, represents the the underlying staked ETH, plus accrued ETH staking rewards. The talks being arranged […]

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Polkadot Meetup Prague – DOT Liquid Staking & Polkadot JAM


  🌟 Polkadot Meetup Prague – DOT Liquid Staking & Polkadot JAM Po delší době pro vás chystáme další meetup v Praze! Meetup bude rozdělen do 3 částí a těšit se můžete také na chutné občerstvení z Cafe DECADA. # ​1. část: DOT liquid staking ​Nejprve nám Pavel Kahoun vysvětlí, jak funguje staking na Polkadotu […]

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