
Frankfurt Bitcoin Meetup

  Frankfurt am Main, Germany

Welcome to the Frankfurt Bitcoin Meetup, the original hub for Bitcoin enthusiasts in Frankfurt since 2013. Revived in the autumn of 2023, we are back with our monthly meetups held at the central location in Bernem, Frankfurt.

Our gatherings are the perfect opportunity for both new and seasoned Bitcoin enthusiasts to connect, share insights, and explore the latest trends and developments in the world of Bitcoin.

Stay updated with the latest announcements by following us on Twitter. Join our vibrant community as we continue to grow and shape the future of Bitcoin in Frankfurt.

We kindly invite you to help us cover the room rental costs through our funding page.


## Worum es bei uns geht

Die Bitcoin Frankfurt Gruppe ist das “Original” Frankfurter Bitcoin Meetup aus dem Jahre 2013.

Seit dem Herbst 2023 wieder aktiv mit den monatlichen Meetups in der Frankfurter Zentrale in Bernem!

Helf uns dabei, die Raummiete zu covern –>

Folge den aktuellen Announcements auch auf Twitter.

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