
Date: Sun, Sep 10, 2023 - Tue, Sep 12, 2023

Time: 1:00 AM - 10:00 AM

Local time: Timezone: (UTC+08:00) Kuala Lumpur, SingaporeDate: Sep 10 2023Time: 09:00 AM - 06:00 PM

Location: National Gallery Singapore, Singapore


Ethereum Singapore 2023

Ethereum Singapore 2023 will bring together builders and communities to grow the thriving Ethereum ecosystem, drawing over 2,000 developers from around the world.

The 3-day event is supported by community partners including the Ethereum Singapore Meetup Group and sets the stage to spotlight Web3’s potential for good with real use cases from local non-profit organizations.

The theme of the event ‘Infinite Garden City’ reflects Singapore’s identity as a city in a garden and mirrors the vision of Ethereum as an infinite garden for all that organically evolves with the support of people that nurture the space.

It aims to cultivate local impact in the non-profits and public goods space, and seed the future of talents while showcasing how local communities can come together to create a vibrant tapestry of Singapore’s Ethereum ecosystem.

The event will be split into thematic spaces including decentralized finance, infrastructure, security, layer 2s, builders and students, each serving as a community hub while being a hotpot of incredible ideas and action. From beginner workshops on how to get started participating in the Ethereum ecosystem, to inspiring and technical talks on advanced topics such as privacy, scaling, and zero-knowledge technology, it will appeal to technology enthusiasts and businesses whichever growth stage they are in.

An open-source hackathon titled ‘hack for good’ will solve challenges outlined by local non-profit and social enterprises, and consist of quadratic funding wherein participating organizations will vote for their favorite projects and pick winners. All of this will culminate into an open-source playbook that will be published globally to serve as an inspiration for people wanting to do this with their local communities too.

Speakers include:

  • Vitalik Buterin, Co-Founder, Ethereum
  • Aya Miyaguchi, Executive Director, Ethereum Foundation
  • Ed Felten, Co-founder, Arbitrum
  • TN Lee, CEO, Pendle Finance
  • Konstantin Richter, Founder & CEO, Blockdaemon
  • Yusho Liu, CEO, Coinhako
  • Richard Teng, Head of Regional Markets, Binance
  • Darius Sit, Founder & Chief Investment Officer, QCP Capital
  • Sandra Persing, VP of Developer and Ecosystem Marketing, Circle Internet Financial
  • Arthur Cheong, Founder, CEO & CIO, DeFiance Capital
  • Eli Ben-Sasson, Co-Founder & President, Starkware
  • Hassan Ahmed, Country Director Singapore, Coinbase
  • Shaun Djie, Founder Ethereum Singapore Meetup
  • Alex Gluchowski, Co-Inventor, zkSync; Co-Founder & CEO, Matter Labs
  • Neil Su, Co-founder, Arcane
  • Loi Luu, Founder, Caliber & Kyber
  • Benedict Chan, Head of Engineering, Chainlink Labs
  • Tim Beiko, Protocol Support, Ethereum Foundation

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