
Crypto Gibraltar 2023 Welcomes DLT, Blockchain and Crypto Leaders and Investors

July 15, 2023 — Crypto Gibraltar returns in October 2023 for more educational presentations, debates and insights featuring some of the most respected voices in the industry.

The true value of any corporate event is the platform it offers to build new relationships and cement existing ones. That doesn’t happen when sitting in an audience. It happens when there are opportunities to discuss and debate, either one-on-one or in managed groups.

Crypto Gibraltar 2023 will offer exactly that with a range of social events and round-table discussions where leaders and investors in the DLT, blockchain and crypto communities can come together, learn from the experiences of others and create new conversations.

It even includes a golf tournament – The Crypto Gibraltar Golf Masters – on Saturday 21st October and there will be plenty of alternative activities for non-golfers.

Taking place at the 5* Sunborn Yacht Hotel in mediterranean Gibraltar from 19th to 20th October 2023, the invitation-only event has already attracted an impressive array of participants including:

  • Dr Lisa Cameron, Chairperson of the UK Crypto and Digital Assets All Party Parliamentary Group
  • Albert Isola MP, Minister for Digital and Financial Services at HM Government of Gibraltar
  • Thomas Restout, CEO EMEA, B2C2
  • Dima Kats, CEO, Clear Junction
  • Haydn Jones, Global Blockchain Lead, Kroll
  • Sam Buxton, CEO,
  • Paul Sisnett, CEO & Co-Founder,
  • Morten Juul, Founder, Walker Labs
  • Mel Tsiaprazis, CGO, Tradeblock
  • Brendan Beeken FInstSMM, Founder and Chairman, Moni Talks Cryptocurrency Exchange and Social Platform.
  • Pierre Samaties, Partner, Roland Berger
  • Gordon Einstein, Founder, CryptoLaw

Numbers will be limited so if you are interested in attending and would like an invitation then please complete the form at or send an email to

The main event sponsor is Damex, who offer the ultimate digital asset management experience to people in both their business and personal lives.

Kazbaa is an events and marketing company operating a portfolio of international technology events.

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