Bitcoinology: Bitcoin Open Source Security Fixes with Antoine Riard
At the “Bitcoin open source security fixes” event, Antoine Riard will discuss the good, the bad, and the ugly sides of managing security issues in open source development with a focus on Bitcoin development.
Join us once per month at the George & Devonshire in Chiswick! We are friendly bitcoiners who love to learn and talk about what’s happening in the Bitcoin sphere. We welcome everyone, from the new and curious, to the seasoned technologist, providing a place for learning, debating and socialising.
Want to spend some sats? Come to support the George & Devonshire and pay in bitcoin!
Wednesday, November 15, 2023
Time: 7:00 PM – 8:30 PM GMT
George & Devonshire
8 Burlington Lane · London
The Bitcoinology London meetup is run by Bitcoiners who like to talk Bitcoin, all day, every day.
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