Welcome to the Bitcoin Brisbane Meetup. We’re at a private venue! It’s on top of the Treehouse Apartments, West End with stunning views of the city.
This event is Bitcoin-only. There will be an opportunity for Q&A after the talks, and we will be doing the popular “Soap Box” session where anyone can speak for 5 minutes on a topic related to Bitcoin.
Event Schedule:
6:00 pm / Doors Open, Drinks and Chat – BYO
7:00 pm / Presentation – TBA
7:45 pm / Soapbox (5 mins each, Bitcoin related)
8:00 pm / Q&A
8:15 pm till Late / Drinks and Chat (Outside rooftop area)
Getting there & Info:
Someone will be at the front of the building to let you in and into the visitors carpark if required. Street parking is also available. Top floor. If you can’t find us, just message the chat so we can help. Feel free to bring along drinks and food to share. If you bring food or drinks, PLEASE BRING YOUR OWN PLATES AND CUPS so that we don’t have to do the washing and drying
Thursday, August 1, 2024
Time: 6:00 PM – 8:00 PM AEST
TreeHouse by Aria
111 Jane St · West End, QL
The Bitcoin Brisbane Meetup is a place to share knowledge and discuss all things Bitcoin-only between monthly meetups.
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