


Local time: Timezone: (UTC-04:00) Eastern Daylight Time (US & Canada)Date: Aug 06 2024Time: 09:00 AM - 06:00 PM

Location: Verizon Center - Cornell Tech, Roosevelt Island, New York City, NY


Summit on Responsible Decentralized Intelligence 2024 – Future of Decentralization and AI

​Join us in New York City or via livestream on Aug 6th, 2024 for the Summit on Responsible Decentralized Intelligence 2024 – Future of Decentralization and AI, organized by Berkeley RDI.

The Summit aims to bring together researchers, innovators, thought leaders, and builders to showcase and discuss responsible innovation in decentralization and AI for a greater future for humanity.

In particular, the event will include topics on how AI/ML and decentralization technology can help each other, and how to build a full decentralized, open source stack for AI/ML, including

1) decentralized ML infra such as decentralized training, inference, provenance, integrity guarantees,
2) open source data, model, and tooling,
3) personalized AI with privacy and trustworthiness;
4) democratic and decentralized process for AI governance and alignment.

We hope this summit will provide an opportunity for researchers from diverse backgrounds including AI/ML, Security & Privacy, game theory, economics, decentralization technology, to get together and cross pollinate to help seed the initial discussions in this important space and make advancement in responsible AI with decentralization.

Program Schedule:

8:45am Door open; refreshment; coffee
9:15am Opening remark: Dawn Song (Professor, UC Berkeley)
Session I: Open Source AI
9:30-10:35am LMs Inside-Out
Sasha Rush (Associate Professor, Cornell Tech; Hugging Face)
Building a Global AI Safety Benchmark
Mala Kumar (Director of Program Management, AI Safety, MLCommons)
What Issues Are Blocking AI Adoption? A Decentralization Perspective
Dean Wampler (Head of Technology for the AI Alliance, IBM Research)
Panel: Open Source vs. Closed Source; What’s Needed to Make Open Source Win
Moderator: Sam Broner (Investment Partner, a16z)
Session II: Foundations of Decentralized AI (I)
10:35-11:45am Keynote: Touching Points of Cryptography and AI
Moti Yung (Research Scientist, Google)
Decentralized Confidential AI: Federated Learning with Confidential Computing
Chester Chen (Senior Manager, NVIDIA)
Keynote: Responsible, Democratized AI for All
Dawn Song (Professor, UC Berkeley)
Panel: Cryptography/Confidential Compute and Decentralized AI
Moderator: Ruoxi Jia (Assistant Professor, Virginia Tech)
11:45am-1:00pm Lunch
Session III: Foundations of Decentralized AI (II) [Session Chair: Arthur Gervais]
1:00-2:00pm Keynote: OML: Open, Monetizable, Loyal — the Era of AI Entrepreneurship
Pramod Viswanath (Professor, Princeton; Core-contributor of Sentient)
Decentralized AI Ecosystem
DC Builder (Research Engineer, Worldcoin Foundation)
Fair Data Attribution at Scale
Ruoxi Jia (Assistant Professor, Virginia Tech)
Governing People’s Values in Multimodal Generative AI Models with Democratic Platform
Tanusree Sharma (Incoming Assistant Professor, Penn State University)
A Waterlog for Large Language Models
Ian Miers (Assistant Professor, University of Maryland; Lead Research Scientist, Aleo Foundation)
zkML: GKR Based Solution for Scalable and Verifiable ML
Tiancheng Xie (CTO, Polyhedra Network)
Session IV: Research Spotlight [Session Chair: Tanusree Sharma]
2:00-2:25pm Implementing High Performance Zero-Knowledge ML Provers
Lilia Tang (PhD Student, UIUC)
CoServe: Building Decentralized Services for Collaborative Large Language Model Inference
Xiaoyuan Liu (PhD Student, UC Berkeley)
Decentralized Orchestration for Training Deep Neural Networks
Abhishek Singh (PhD Student, MIT)
Empowering Data Sovereignty: A Decentralized Intelligence Network
Abraham Nash (PhD Student, University of Oxford)
Combating Misinformation in the Age of LLMs
Canyu Chen (PhD Student, Illinois Institute of Technology)
SolMover: Smart Contract Code Translation Based on Concepts
Rabimba Karanjai (PhD Student, University of Houston)
2:25-2:40pm Break
Session V: DeAI in the Field: Data, Infrastructure and Agents
2:40-3:50pm Part I: The Decentralized Data Paradigm
Anna Kazlauskas (Co-Founder/CEO, Vana)
Sean Ren (Co-Founder/CEO, Sahara AI)
Scott Dykstra (Co-Founder/CTO, Space & Time)
Brendan Playford (Co-Founder/CEO, Masa)
Moderator: Dmitriy Berenzon (Partner, Archetype)
Part II: Decentralized AI Agents
Xyn Sun (Researcher, Flashbots)
Ron Bodkin (Co-Founder/CEO, Theoriq)
Sishir Varghese (Founder, Spectral Labs)
Mike Hanono (Founder/CEO, Talus)
David Minarsch (Co-Founder/CEO, Valory & Olas)
Moderator: Matt Stephenson (Research Partner, Pantera Capital)
Part III: DeAI Infrastructure: Challenges & Opportunities
Ben Fielding (Co-Founder/CEO, Gensyn)
Anish Agnihotri (Founding Member, Ritual)
Nick Emmons (Co-Founder/CEO, Allora Labs)
Dylan Zhang (Co-Founder/CEO, Pond)
Moderator: Danny Sursock (Principal, Archetype)
Session VI: Future of Decentralized AI and Innovators Showcase
3:50-4:10pm Fostering Decentralized AI: Insights from VCs
Haseeb Qureshi (Managing Partner, Dragonfly)
Dovey Wan (Founding Partner, Primitive Ventures)
Jake Brukhman (Founder/CEO, CoinFund)
4:10-4:50pm Innovators Showcase
Jason Morton (EZKL) Bidhan Roy (Bagel)
Yannik Schrade (Arcium) Chi Zhang (ZettaBlock)
Jasper Zhang (Hyperbolic Labs) Jorge Antonio (Atoma Network)
Jonathan Jaranilla (Exabits) Arif Khan (Alethea AI)
David Aronchick (Expanso) MC: Jeff Wilser (Author, Host, AI-Curious Podcast)
4:50-6:00pm Closing Remark, Reception and Poster Session

This is a side event for The Science of Blockchain Conference 2024

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