


Local time: Timezone: (UTC+02:00) Central European Summer TimeDate: Oct 03 2024Time: 03:00 PM - 09:00 PM

Location: Seen to Attendees, Rome


Web3Privacy Now Meetup @ ETHRome 2024

Web3Privacy Now Meetup @ ETHRome 2024 is the largest gathering in Italy uniting Hacktivists, Philosophers, Lawyers, Scientists, Writers, Founders, and Human Rights Advocates.

Future of The Internet & privacy’s core role in it

​​Forms of social control are expanding rapidly — justified by the need to combat “terrorism”.

​Surveillance shifts from the exceptional to the everyday, from “dangerous” classes to the general population. The crowd is no longer “solitary” and anonymous: it is “naked.”

​Digital images, facial recognition, and data mining track and profile individuals, while video surveillance and algorithms predict future actions. AI analyzes vast data to predict behavior, leading to preemptive measures that compromise freedom and autonomy.

Soon, individuals may be judged by predicted behaviors, eroding dignity and autonomy in the name of “security.”

What dignity remains for a person who has become a prisoner of a past and a future entirely in the hands of others, from which they must resign themselves to being expropriated?

In any society, privacy is essential for protecting civil liberties and human rights

​Privacy enables individuals to participate in political processes without fear of retribution or surveillance, ensuring that they can freely express their views, associate with others, and engage in activism. Robust privacy practices assist in balancing power between individuals and the state or corporations.

​When we talk about privacy, we are discussing more than just data protection. We are addressing the fate of our societies, their present, and their future.

​The mere availability of a technology does not legitimize any use of it; its use must be evaluated based on values different from those offered by the technology itself.

​Privacy is not an obstacle, but the means by which scientific and technological innovations can legitimately enter our societies and our lives.

Speakers include:

  • Denis “Jaromil” Roio, Founder & CTO, Dyne
  • ​Arturo Filastò, Founder & CTO, Open Observatory of Network Interference
  • ​Luca Lezzerini, Academic Professor in Software Engineering & Data Science
  • ​Andrea Togni, Philosopher, Monero Privacy Policy
  • ​Marco Castignoli, Developer, Ethereum Foundation

This event precedes the ETHRome 2024 hackaton.

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