Urbe Campus @ ETHRome 2024 is a 4-day bootcamp where students and beginner developers will be able to go from zero to hero with their Web3 development skills. This event will not only cover the basics of solidity syntax, tooling setup, and dApps development, but also will allow all the students to be prepared to attend the ETHRome hackathon!
- September 30th (2-6pm) – Intro
- Introduction to Ethereum and EVM environments
- Development Kit HardHat / Foundry
- Introduction to Solidity
- October 1st (2-6pm) – Solidity
- Solidity: Storage, Arrays, Mappings, Structs, Imports, Accounts, Function calls, Control Structures and Error handling
- Building Tokens with OpenZeppelin Contracts (ERC20, ERC721)
- Hardhat Scripts and Testing
- Deploying to Testnet
- October 2nd (2-6pm) – Frontend
- Building a dApp with Scaffold-ETH)
- Frontend Setup
- Connecting to Blockchain, Using Viem and Wagmi
- Reading and Displaying Data
- Writing to Contracts
- October 3rd (2-6pm) – Challenges
- Step by step on solving Speedrun Ethereum Challenge 1 using Scaffold ETH 2
- Hackathon tips & tricks
Enjoy coffee, tea, drinks and snacks during each bootcamp day!
Pre-reading list
BuidlGuidl provides some of the best-known dev-tooling, such as Scaffold-ETH 2.
About urbe.eth
urbe.eth is the Italian community for Web3 builders, based in Rome:
- Most notably, you may know us as the team behind ETHRome, which is returning on the 4-6th Oct 2024.
- Our goal is to spread knowledge, awareness and education around the Web3 & Blockchain ecosystem, involving builders who create and bring new value to the space.
- Our core activities include meetups, events, co-working days, traveling to hackathons & conferences and other educational activities.
Get involved on Discord, or follow on Twitter and Farcaster.
Find Hotels Urbe Campus @ ETHRome 2024