


Bitcoin Mallorca Meetup August 2024


This is another Bitcoin Mallorca Meetup. If you are new to our group you can recognize us wearing a Mallorca Blockchain Days T-Shirt. Price: Meetup is for free but we are happy for any donations. This will help us to improve the quality of the event. 📅 Wednesday, August 21, 2024 🕔 Time: 7:00 PM […]

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Bitcoin Barcelona – Discusion Fishbowl: Bitcoin en Europa, ¿realmente lo necesitamos?


🌟 Bitcoin Barcelona – Discusion Fishbowl: Bitcoin en Europa, ¿realmente lo necesitamos? El meetup de julio será un encuentro para todos aquellos a quienes les guste aprender y discutir, de forma abierta y respetuosa, cualquier idea relacionada con Bitcoin. Utilizando el formato de discusión socrática “Fishbowl”, os invitamos a uniros al meet up para discutir […]

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CryptoMondays Barcelona – Meet and Greet


CryptoMondays Barcelona is your go-to weekly hangout! Dive into the world of blockchain with fellow enthusiasts, curious newcomers, and industry pros. It’s all about sharing, learning, and meeting new people in crypto and blockchain. Grab a drink, join the chat, and let’s navigate the crypto universe together in the heart of Barcelona. Whether you’re here […]

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CryptoMondays Barcelona – Meet and Greet


CryptoMondays Barcelona is your go-to weekly hangout! Dive into the world of blockchain with fellow enthusiasts, curious newcomers, and industry pros. It’s all about sharing, learning, and meeting new people in crypto and blockchain. Grab a drink, join the chat, and let’s navigate the crypto universe together in the heart of Barcelona. Whether you’re here […]

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Web3 Family Barcelona – Dappnode Workshop


Come join us at the Web3 Family Barcelona Meetup with Chuy of Dappnode giving an in-person workshop. ​Dappnode allows you to run your own node at home whether Ethereum, Bitcoin, Monero, Gnosis or others. ​Why would you do that? Coz you massively help decentralize these networks and you can earn rewards. ​ ⚠️ Prerequisites ​Basic […]

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Bitcoin Tuesday Madrid #37 Fedi Playshop: Federated ecash for Communities is here, baby!


Come join us at Bitcoin Tuesday Madrid meetup to learn how Bitcoin can be part of your community’s day-to-day activities through games, challenges, rewards, and much more! Eric Sirion, creator of Fedimint describes it as more than just a federated e-cash system. It’s a recipe for building all manner of federated applications from a few […]

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CryptoMondays Barcelona – Meet and Greet


CryptoMondays Barcelona is your go-to weekly hangout! Dive into the world of blockchain with fellow enthusiasts, curious newcomers, and industry pros. It’s all about sharing, learning, and meeting new people in crypto and blockchain. Grab a drink, join the chat, and let’s navigate the crypto universe together in the heart of Barcelona. Whether you’re here […]

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CryptoMondays Barcelona – Meet and Greet


CryptoMondays Barcelona is your go-to weekly hangout! Dive into the world of blockchain with fellow enthusiasts, curious newcomers, and industry pros. It’s all about sharing, learning, and meeting new people in crypto and blockchain. Grab a drink, join the chat, and let’s navigate the crypto universe together in the heart of Barcelona. Whether you’re here […]

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Valencia Bitcoin – Quo Vadis Bitcoin. Adopción Bancaria, Geopolítica, y Desdolarización


Valencia Bitcoin – Quo Vadis Bitcoin. Adopción Bancaria, Geopolítica, y Desdolarización Una oportunidad única para adentrarse en los aspectos más actuales y relevantes del mundo de las criptomonedas y la tecnología blockchain. Manuel Sales y Alesk Svetki, dos expertos en blockchain y criptomonedas, compartirán sus conocimientos y perspectivas sobre la adopción bancaria de Bitcoin, las […]

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Bitcoin Tuesday Madrid #36 Satlantis with Aleks Svetski


Join us for this special edition of Bitcoin Tuesday Madrid in English, to discuss circular economies, parallel societies, network states and with our guest speaker, Aleks Svetski. This event is for you if you are into: Travel & Nomading 🌎 Bitcoin circular economies ₿ Nostr 💜No idea what Satlantis is? TL;DR: It’s a fast […]

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W3B Lab Madrid: CIRCLE STARK – The Future of Ethereum’s Layer 2


Welcome to W3B Lab Madrid: CIRCLE STARK – The Future of Ethereum’s Layer 2, the first event in Spain joining Polygon Guild Madrid and Starknet. Fastest prover on the market – StarkWare and Polygon Labs have teamed up to build a new type of cryptographic proof called “Circle STARK” will accelerate the testing process of […]

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W3B Lab Madrid – Web3 Builder Community

  Madrid, Spain W3B Lab Madrid – Web3 Builder Community is the Spanish chapter  of the biggest web3 IRL builders community in Europe, with 4,000 builders in Amsterdam, Barcelona, Rotterdam, Berlin, Madrid, Porto, Paris & Lisbon. 🎯 What to expect : – Expand your network: Meet local founders & builders – Learn what’s hot: Meetups, […]

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BUZOKU Web3 Meetup Barcelona


Join us at BUZOKU Web3 Meetup Barcelona in Sant Gervasi for a bi-monthly gathering of passionate individuals dedicated primarily to the world of Web3 and digital assets. 📅 Wednesday, July 17, 2024 🕔 Time: 7:00 PM – 9:00 PM CEST 📍 Vil·la Urània C/ de Saragossa, 29 · Barcelona, CT 👉 RSVP ✨ BUZOKU Web3 Meetup Barcelona  […]

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Bitcoin Tuesday Madrid #35 Sé soberano con Start9


🌟 Bitcoin Tuesday Madrid #35 Sé soberano con Start9 ¿Cansado de depender de terceros que te espían y venden tus datos al mejor postor? El próximo martes Cryptosquid nos hablará de una opción para poder ser soberano, dueño de tus propios datos y gozar de total privacidad. Y todo de una forma muy sencilla, sin […]

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CryptoMondays Barcelona – Meet and Greet


CryptoMondays Barcelona is your go-to weekly hangout! Dive into the world of blockchain with fellow enthusiasts, curious newcomers, and industry pros. It’s all about sharing, learning, and meeting new people in crypto and blockchain. Grab a drink, join the chat, and let’s navigate the crypto universe together in the heart of Barcelona. Whether you’re here […]

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Valencia Bitcoin – Regulación Cipto y Fiscalidad


Valencia Bitcoin – Regulación Cipto y Fiscalidad Contaremos con un panel de expertos conformado por José Antonio Bravo, Jaime Sánchez y Eduardo Goig, quienes compartirán sus conocimientos y experiencias en este campo tan dinámico. La sesión será moderada por Joan Climent. Esta es una oportunidad única para profundizar en los retos y oportunidades que presenta […]

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CryptoMondays Barcelona – Meet and Greet


CryptoMondays Barcelona is your go-to weekly hangout! Dive into the world of blockchain with fellow enthusiasts, curious newcomers, and industry pros. It’s all about sharing, learning, and meeting new people in crypto and blockchain. Grab a drink, join the chat, and let’s navigate the crypto universe together in the heart of Barcelona. Whether you’re here […]

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Bitcoin Tuesday Madrid #34 Bitcoin Beach en Bitcoin Tuesday


🌟 Bitcoin Tuesday Madrid #34 Bitcoin Beach en Bitcoin Tuesday El próximo meetup lo dedicaremos a conocer el proyecto de economía circular de Bitcoin Beach en El Zonte (El Salvador) de primera mano con la visita de varios promotores del mismo. Conoceremos los principales detalles y retos a los que se enfrentan usuarios y comerciantes en una […]

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Bitcoin Barcelona – ¿Qué es esto de Bitcoin? Bitcoin para novatos, desde cero


🌟 Bitcoin Barcelona – ¿Qué es esto de Bitcoin? Bitcoin para novatos, desde cero Este meetup está pensado para las personas que habitualmente no vienen a nuestros meetups. Está pensado para que los bitcoiners habituales puedan acompañar a su hermano, pareja, vecino o amigo para que aprendan de cero que es esto que nos tiene […]

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