


Local time: Timezone: (UTC-04:00) Eastern Daylight Time (US & Canada)Date: Aug 07 2024Time: 09:00 AM - 06:00 PM

Location: Alfred Lerner Hall, Columbia University, New York City, NY


The Science of Blockchain Conference 2024

The Science of Blockchain Conference 2024 focuses on technical innovations in the blockchain ecosystem, and brings together researchers and practioners working in the space.

The main interest is in the application of cryptography, decentralized protocols, formal methods, and empirical analysis, to improve the security and scalability of blockchain deployments.

The conference is co-organized  IC3,  the Stanford Center for Blockchain Research (CBR),  and UC Berkeley RDI.

The talks and papers from the previous events in this conference series are available here: 2023, 2022, 20202019, 2018,  2017.

Program Chairs

  • Dan Boneh, Stanford University, CBR
  • Ari Juels, Cornell Tech, IC3
  • Dawn Song, U.C.Berkeley, RDI

Program Committee

  • Aggelos Kiayias, University of Edinburgh
  • Alin Tomescu, Aptos Labs
  • Andrew Lewis-Pye, London School of Economics
  • Aniket Kate, Purdue University & Supra Research
  • Arthur Gervais, UCL
  • Aviv Zohar, Hebrew University
  • Benedikt Bünz, NYU
  • Charalampos Papamanthou, Yale University
  • Christian Cachin, University of Bern
  • Chrysoula Stathakopoulou, Chainlink Labs
  • Ciamac Moallemi, Columbia University
  • Dahlia Malkhi, UC Santa Barbara & Chainlink Labs
  • Dan Robinson, Paradigm
  • David Tse, Stanford University & BabylonChain
  • Davide Crapis, Ethereum Foundation
  • Deepak Maram, Mysten Labs
  • Dionysis Zindros, Stanford University & Common Prefix
  • Ertem Nusret Tas, Stanford University
  • Fan Zhang, Yale University
  • Giulia Fanti, CMU
  • Ittai Abraham, Intel
  • Ittay Eyal, Technion
  • Jeremy Clark, Concordia University
  • Joachim Neu, Stanford University
  • Joseph Bonneau, a16z crypto research & New York University
  • Justin Drake, Ethereum Foundation
  • Kartik Nayak, Duke University
  • Kostas Kryptos Chalkias, Mysten Labs
  • Ling Ren, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
  • Liyi Zhou, Imperial College London
  • Maofan “Ted” Yin, Hyperbolic
  • Marko Vukolic, Protocol Labs
  • Mary Maller, Ethereum Foundation
  • Patrick McCorry, Arbitrum Foundation
  • Sourav Das, University of Illinois
  • Tim Roughgarden, Columbia University & a16z crypto research
  • Valeria Nikolaenko, a16z crypto research
  • Will Scott, Protocol Labs
  • Yupeng Zhang, University of Illinois Urbana Champaign
  • Zeta Avarikioti, TU Vienna & Common Prefix

Registration: Attendance is free, but please register if you plan to attend either in person or remotely.

Attending remotely: The talks will be streamed live and the recordings will be available after the conference.

Affiliated workshops

A number of workshops will take place before the main conference. Check below for details on location, topics, and more.

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