


Local time: Timezone: (UTC+03:00) IstanbulDate: Nov 13 2023Time: 09:00 AM - 06:00 PM

Location: Hilton Istanbul Bosphorus, Istanbul


Staking Gathering @Devconnect Istanbul 2023

Staking Gathering @Devconnect Istanbul is an electrifying two-day event unraveling the intricacies of Ethereum staking and its ever-evolving landscape.

Get ready to be inspired by a lineup of thought leaders, pioneers, and trailblazers in the world of staking. The event will feature an array of speakers and projects that delve into crucial staking themes such as tooling, infrastructure, liquid staking, home staking, client diversity, analytics, dashboarding, and much more.

With both a main stage and a smaller, more intimate stage, Staking Gathering offers a variety of spaces for you to absorb knowledge, engage in discussions, and connect with fellow stakers. The dual-stage setup ensures that you can tailor your experience to match your interests and preferences.

This event is part of Devconnect 2023, a week-long gathering that features independent Ethereum events bringing together brightest minds, passionate builders, and inquisitive researchers to forge new connections and ignite innovation.

Speakers include:

  • Justin Drake, Researcher, Ethereum Foundation
  • Danny Ryan, Researcher, Ethereum Foundation
  • Parithosh, DevOps, Ethereum Foundation
  • Alex Stokes, Researcher, Ethereum Foundation
  • Sreeram Kannan, CEO, Eigenlayer
  • Jim McDonald, CTO, Attestant
  • Michael Sproul, Developer, Sigma Prime
  • Paul Harris, Developer, Teku / Consensys
  • Mario Havel, Developer, Ethereum Foundation
  • Mike Neuder, Research & Software, Ethereum Foundation
  • Collin Myers, Founder, Obol
  • Stefan Kobrc, Founder, Stereum
  • Terence Tsao, Developer / Researcher, Offchain Labs
  • Darren Langley, General Manager, Rocket Pool
  • Lanski, COO, DAppNode
  • Jordan Sutcliffe, Bizdev Lead, StakeWise
  • Pablo Villalba, Founder, DivaStaking
  • Tomasz K. Stańczak, Founder, Nethermind
  • Mikhail Kalinin, Developer, Consensys

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