


Local time: Timezone: (UTC) Coordinated Universal TimeDate: Apr 18 2024Time: 12:00 PM - 01:00 PM

Location: Online, Worldwide


Sui Foundation – Build an end-to-end token swap dApp

🌟 Sui Foundation – Build an end-to-end token swap dApp

​A common task for apps is to swap tokens. Ideally, this is performed through atomic, trustless swaps, to ensure that the entire swap is completed and without relying on a trusted party. This workshop creates an end-to-end token swap dApp, including an event indexer, a database, an API, a smart contract, and a frontend.

This workshop is part of a series to help builders prepare for Sui Overflow, Sui’s flagship hackaton.

Presenter: Manos Liolios, Software Engineer at Mysten Labs.

📅 Thursday, April 18, 2024
🕔 Time: 12:00 PM – 01:00 PM UTC
📍 Online


✨ Sui Foundation is the independent steward of the Sui protocol that grows and cultivates long-term value in the Sui ecosystem. Our chapters across different cities will help raise awareness on Sui and Move programming language; and host workshops and demos to help builders onboard to our Sui Network.