


Local time: Timezone: (UTC) Coordinated Universal TimeDate: Apr 03 2024Time: 05:00 AM - 06:00 AM

Location: Online, Worldwide


Sui Foundation – Access On-Chain Randomness

🌟 Sui Foundation – Access On-Chain Randomness

​Typically, generating random numbers within smart contracts can be complex, but Sui provides native randomness to make this trivial. This workshop demonstrates how devs can easily generate random numbers for their apps, as well as use more advanced primitives such as VDFs and Time Capsule for time-based encryption!

​Having access to random numbers is only one part of designing secure applications, and careful attention should be given to how that randomness is being used.

This workshop is part of a series to help builders prepare for Sui Overflow, Sui’s flagship hackaton.

Presenter: George Digkas, Solutions Engineer at Mysten Labs.

📅 Wednesday, April 3, 2024
🕔 Time: 05:00 AM – 06:00 AM UTC
📍 Online


✨ Sui Foundation is the independent steward of the Sui protocol that grows and cultivates long-term value in the Sui ecosystem. Our chapters across different cities will help raise awareness on Sui and Move programming language; and host workshops and demos to help builders onboard to our Sui Network.