Join Starknet Berlin for an exciting event that will push Starknet to its limits! Cartridge will launch Flippy Flop, a game designed to demonstrate Starknet’s ability to handle hundreds of transactions per second.
What’s the game?
We’ll all compete in a simple but fast-paced challenge: click to flip tiles on a 100×100 grid while the bot flips them back. Each flip counts as a transaction, and the goal is to outpace the bot, generating the highest number of transactions possible.
Not only is this a unique way to showcase Starknet’s power, but we’ll be also competing for a $10,000 budget for our community!
Don’t miss this opportunity to test the network, showcase your skills, and win big!
Tuesday, October 29, 2024
Time: 5:30 PM – 8:30 PM CET
w3 Hub
Möckernstraße 120 · Berlin
Starknet Germany is a community for anyone interested in blockchain, smart contracts, on-chain games, layer-2 scaling, and advanced cryptography.
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