
Shock the Web – Bitcoin Hackathon — March 22-28, 2022

Shock the Web - Bitcoin Hackathon

Shock the Web is a 7 day virtual hackathon, bringing together Bitcoiners to promote, explore, build and design web applications that can interact with WebLN enabled wallets and browsers.

During the hackathon we’ll be hosting guided sprint modules for your product team, workshops and talks, as well as ongoing mentorship from some friendly bitcoin developers and designers to help you along the way.

Bitcoin development can seem scary for new developers coming in, but it doesn’t have to be. With the lightning network’s toolkit and libraries a bunch of new opportunities are waiting to be explored. You’ll get a primer on some important low level bitcoin concepts, but the goal is to make things and have fun!

Our goal is to make building on Bitcoin and Lightning Network more accessible to web developers, decreasing essential onboarding time and creating a fun, collaborative environment for both developers and designers.

Judges & Speakers

  • Michael Bumman, Alby
  • John Carvalho, Synonym
  • Christoph Ono, Bitcoin Design
  • FiatJaf, ZEBEDEE
  • Roy Sheinfeld, Breez
  • André Neves, ZEBEDEE
  • Moritz Kaminski, Alby
  • Ben Arc, LNbits
  • Nicolas Burtey, Galoy
  • Arvin R, Galoy
