


Local time: Timezone: (UTC+02:00) Central European Summer TimeDate: Jul 10 2024Time: 02:00 PM - 07:00 PM

Location: Dome Eventhall, Bd Lambermont 1, 1000, Brussels


Parallel Summit @ EthCC 7 Brussels

​​Join us the first-ever Parallel Summit @ EthCC 7 Brussels cohosted by Sei, Aptos and other top L1s, featuring the strongest teams and investors from across the space. This one-day event focuses on high-performance blockchains that leverage advancements in parallel computing and includes insightful back-to-back panels covering trending topics.

Event Highlights

  • ​Panels: Engaging discussions led by experts in the field
  • ​Networking: Opportunities to connect with peers and industry leaders from various high performance chains
  • ​Refreshments: Enjoy canapes and drinks throughout the event.

​Don’t miss this chance to gain insights, exchange ideas, and expand your professional network at the Parallel Summit!

About L1s

​​​​​​Sei: Sei is a high performance Layer 1 that expands what’s possible on EVM blockchains. Bringing the best of high performance, parallelized execution to the dominant development standard of Ethereum (EVM), Sei unlocks new possibilities for developers and brings a web-2 like experience for every user. Sei “version 2” is in alpha launch phase now, with beta anticipated to arrive in the coming weeks. The team is backed by Multicoin, Jump, Coinbase Ventures, Circle Ventures, and many more.

Aptos: Aptos is an independent Layer 1 blockchain platform focused on safety and scalability driving growth within a decentralized network and developer ecosystem. Built with focus on speeding up transactions and blockchain interactions it has the potential to be a direct Solana competitor. It uses the Move programming language which is based on Rust and used in Solana, Polkadot and Near.

This is a side event for the Ethereum Community Conference 7 (EthCC) in Brussels.

Find Hotels Parallel Summit @ EthCC 7 Brussels