


Local time: Timezone: (UTC+01:00) Central Europe Standard TimeDate: Mar 01 2024Time: 05:00 PM - 08:00 PM

Location: Paralelni Polis, Prague


Paralelni Polis Dogecoin Meetup

🐶🌟 Attention, Shibas and Hodlers of the One True Coin! This is the Paralelni Polis Dogecoin Meetup!🌟🐶

On the 1st of March, at 5 PM in Paralelní Polis, we’ll gather to discuss all things Doge, from the memes that make us chuckle to the jokes that keep us laughing, and of course, the absurd stuff that makes Dogecoin the most delightful cryptocurrency in the universe! 🚀🌕

But wait, there’s more! 🌟 We’ll dive into the technical side of things, too, like which Dogecoin wallet to use to keep your coins safe and sound, and why you should consider running a node to help secure the Dogecoin network! 🔐🌐

And because we’re Monero Tea, we’ll bring some good quality tea to enhance the absurd experience! 🍵🌟

Moon up, our fellow Shibes! See you there! 🚀🐶

📅 Friday, March 1, 2024
🕔 Time: 5:00 PM – 8:00 PM CET
📍 Paralelni Polis, Prague


Paralelni Polis is a group of people interested in liberty, decentralized technologies, digital freedom, privacy.

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