


Local time: Timezone: (UTC+01:00) Central Europe Standard TimeDate: Dec 13 2024Time: 06:30 PM - 10:30 PM

Location: Decentral House, Rte des Jeunes 5D/6th floor, Geneva


One Year of Decentral House Geneva!

One Year of Decentral House Geneva!

​We’re celebrating one incredible year of Decentral House Geneva with our amazing community! Join us for an invite-only evening of drinks, fantastic people, and a lively spirit as we wrap up the year together.

​What to Expect:

  • ​Drinks and light refreshments
  • ​Great company from across the Web3 community
  • ​A festive atmosphere to toast to our milestones and the exciting road ahead

​Mark your calendar and let’s end the year with a Web3 bang and make this a night to remember!

📅 Friday, December 13, 2024
🕔 Time: 6:30 PM – 10:30 PM CET
📍 Decentral House
Rte des Jeunes 5D/6th floor · Genève

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