Wednesday, March 31, 2021
16:00 CET
The focus on fighting Money Laundering in Europe as well as globally has a large impact on the financial industry. All parties within the financial industry are directly or indirectly held responsible for implementing Anti-Money-Laundering (AML) measures, with potential hefty fines to back up that responsibility.
Last year, the EU launched an amended directive for AML: AMLD5. This new directive requires ample effort by the financial services industry to implement and comply. To make life easier, for smaller companies in the field as well as large players, we have collaborated with several of the member law firms, to create a guide to take you through the most important changes.
At this event, Holland Fintech will launch the guide and let the lawyers involved tell you what’s important and how to make compliance easier. We will also look at the soon-to-be-implemented AMLD6 that was launched soon after AMLD5.
To secure your license to operate and avoid serious fines: join this informative session, where you can also ask your questions and discuss your challenges.
Law firms:
- Brandeis
- Stibbe
- Van Doorne
- Eversheds Sutherland
- Ploum