Re-scheduled from June 24-25, 2020
Postponed to 2021
GibTech 2020 will bring together 1000’s of people and companies, all bound together by a fascination with how technology is changing our world.
Ocean Village
Gibraltar has an amazing history of nurturing technological business concepts and seeing them flower into living, real operations.
The rise of the internet in the 1990’s transformed the gaming industry. Gibraltar moved first by creating an eGaming ecosystem and now 60% of all eGaming transactions in Europe emanate from Gibraltar and 3,500 people are employed by Gibraltar’s eGaming industry.
As alternative payment methods developed outside of the traditional banking world but with the continued need for customer protection, Gibraltar created its own eMoney licence which is now relied upon by many of the global leaders in the payments sector.
Most recently, Distributed Ledger Technology (DLT) has promised to disrupt everything around us and Gibraltar’s DLT regulatory framework has firmly established it as the world’s premier DLT jurisdiction.
Gibraltar continues to innovate and to incubate turning ideas into real businesses. Join us at GibTech and become part of the conversation.
Speakers include:
- Albert Isola, Minister for Digital and Financial Services, Government of Gibraltar
- Doron Rosenblum, Managing Director eToroX
- Friederike Ernst, COO Gnosis
- Pablo Gonzalez, CEO Bitso
- On Yavin, Founder & CEO Cointelligence
- Adam Ficsor, Co-Founder at Wasabi Wallet
- Jon Matonis, Chief Economist at Cypherpunk Holdiings
- Sebastian Markowsky, Partner, Blockchain Valley Ventures
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