


Local time: Timezone: (UTC+01:00) BST (Edinburgh, London)Date: Apr 19 2021Time: 06:30 PM - 08:00 PM

Location: Online, London


Crypto Mondays London: Blockchanging the World

For its April’s event, Crypto Mondays London welcomes Dr Jane Thomason, co-founder of the British Blockchain and Frontier Technology Association!

Jane is a visionary leader and social innovator, focusing on emerging economies, including Indonesia, the Philippines, Papua New Guinea, Mongolia, Fiji, Samoa, and global networks in Africa, MENA and Asia as well as the USA and UK.

She is an advocate for digital transformation to reduce inequality and vulnerability and a move to a human centered digital economy where we measure value based on people and the planet; we use data to measure and report on impact and we collaborate to reduce social and economic disparity.

Jane first realised the power of Blockchain in a humanitarian setting, and this triggered a much bigger realisation of the potential for the poor and marginalised in the world by creating a system that connects people through a simple mobile phone.

This realisation drove her to follow this idea and be a pioneer to drive education and the adoption of this promising technology that could be used for the good of humankind. In 2016, it was clearly evident that few were looking into the advantages of this blockchain technology for social transformation. Jane will be sharing some of the main applications and progress across the world with us.

Associations include:

  • Industry Associate: University College London, Centre for Blockchain, London, UK
  • Co-Founder: British Blockchain and Frontier Technology Association, UK
  • Contributer: Corporate Investment Times; Coin Intelligence, Coruzant Technologies
  • Advisor: Kerala Blockchain Association; Africa Blockchain Centre of Excellence; GovBlocks; Secure Health Chain; Novum Insights
  • Section Chief Editor: Frontiers in Blockchain
  • Editorial Board: Frontiers in Blockchain
  • Member: Findexable Data Governance Council

Jane will be giving a talk entitled “Blockchanging the World”