
Blockchain Technology World 2020 — March 11-12, 2020

Blockchain Technology World is a new major event dedicated to fast-forwarding the adoption of blockchain and distributed ledger technology (DLT) across businesses of all sizes and in all industries.

The core focus of Blockchain Technology World is the ‘real-world’ application and integration of the technology. The show also hosts industry content dedicated to the rise of blockchain powered businesses, including systems integrators, tech giants and ICOs, but there will not be a pitch-battle in sight!

Blockchain Technology World is part of the UK’s biggest technology show, with 19,058 plus technology buyers and influencers attending in 2018, it is in the unique position of uniting a technical, business, ecosystem and investor audience.

Its four theatres of content will host international blockchain and DLT experts, whilst a large scale exhibition will showcase the world’s leading players in the space. Blockchain Technology World will further the adoption of this game changing technology and help early technology providers in the space win business and investment from C-level, LOB application owners, technology and investment buyers and influencers.

Speakers include:

  • Eric Van der Kleij, Chairman, &
  • Andrius Adamonis, Blockchain project manager, Bank of Lithuania
  • Anne Rose, Associate and Co-Lead of the Blockchain Group, Mishcon de Reya
  • Maxine Room CBE, Director Coinintelligence Academy, MG Consultancy London Ltd
  • Dotun Rominiyi, Blockchain Strategy, London Stock Exchange
  • Aviv Lichtigstein, CEO & Founder, 101 Blockchains
  • Genevieve Leveille, Principal Founder & CEO, AgriLedger
  • Nigel Gopie, Director of Marketing, IBM Blockchain
  • Iqbal Gandham, Managing Director, eToro
  • Laura Degiovanni, CEO, TiiQu

Venue: ExCeL London
Royal Victoria Dock, 1 Western Gateway,
Royal Docks, London E16 1XL, United Kingdom


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