
August 29, 2020 | Blockchain in the Burgh with David Burkett, Developer of Mimblewimble Extension Block for Litecoin

This month’s guest at the Blockchain in the Burgh Virtual Meetup is David Burkett. David is the developer of Grin++ and has been working on designing a Mimblewimble (MW) extension block so that Litecoin users can have confidential transactions and more fungible money.

MimbleWimble—a Harry Potter reference—was first proposed in 2016 to fill privacy lapses in the Bitcoin protocol. The latter gives away transactional information that allows firms like Chainalysis to tie transactions to an individual.

As you can imagine, the Litecoin community is very interested and excited about the development of the MW extension block. Charlie Lee, the creator of Litecoin, has been matching donations made by the community in order to help fund this very important project.

In the latest update on the progress being made, David Burkett confirmed MimbleWimble implementation remains on track, with July seeing initial block download, August scheduled for Chain reorg logic, and September with Activation logic and launch of the test-net.

Bits and Tokens will again graciously host the event via Zoom and Altspace VR for anyone with a PC and/or Virtual Reality equipment.

RSVP on the Blockchain in the Burgh Meetup page.