BitDevs Athens Socratic Seminar: Blind Signatures and Chaumian Ecash
This day’s topic will be:
1) Blind cryptographic signatures and Chaumian ecash
Blind signatures were proposed in 1983 by David Chaum and implemented by Digicash in the 1990s and are now coming back as building blocks in Bitcoin Layer 2s such as Fedimint and Cashu.
Reading material:
The short Wikipedia article on blind signatures
A series of very short videos explaining blind signatures:
A 2-hour video starting from blind signatures, building Chaumian ecash mints and using them in Bitcoin (use the Table of Contents to skip to the sections of interest).
The text notes of this video.
2) Review of technical Bitcoin news. In every meetup we go through technical Bitcoin news.
The event will be held in English and is free.
Thursday, December 14, 2023
Time: 7:00 PM – 10:00 PM EET
Programize Hellas
Aetideon 13 · Cholargos
BitDevs Athens is a community for those interested in discussing and participating in the research and development of Bitcoin and Bitcoin-related protocols. You can be well versed with or new to the topics, all are welcome. Be advised: discussion will be ***technical***.