
Bitcoin Trieste Meetup

  Trieste, Italy

The Bitcoin Trieste Meetup is a welcoming community open to everyone interested in the evolving world of Bitcoin and cryptocurrency. Whether you’re a tech enthusiast, a student, a business owner, retired, or simply curious about digital currencies, this group invites you to explore the future of finance that’s already here. Are you ready for change?

Gatherings are held on the second Thursday of each month, offering a friendly and informative environment where members can experiment with new tools, discuss various topics related to Bitcoin, and share their experiences and knowledge.


Il gruppo è aperto a tutti: nerd, studenti, appassionati, curiosi, imprenditori, pensionati… Il futuro è già arrivato. Sei pronto al cambiamento? Ci incontriamo il secondo giovedi del mese per provare questi nuovi strumenti e discuterne insieme.

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