


Local time: Timezone: (UTC+01:00) Central Europe Standard TimeDate: Jan 25 2024Time: 07:00 PM - 09:00 PM

Location: Hotel Betnava, Ulica Eve Lovše 15, Maribor


Bitcoin Maribor Meetup January 2024

This edition of the Bitcoin Maribor Meetup is aimed at complete beginners who are just entering the world of bitcoin and are facing difficulties with the purchase. The presentation will feature slides, with the spoken portion delivered in Slovene.

Since the first purchase of bitcoin and its subsequent storage can be a very stressful experience for most beginners, we have decided to start from the very beginning this time. Danilo will present how to easily buy the first satoshis (fractions of bitcoin) and how to safely store them. We will go through what needs to be done during the first purchase, how to buy it and where to buy it. Of course, after the purchase, it is necessary to securely store the funds, and that will be also the topic of this month meetup.

Afterwards we will socialize in the café, where it will be possible to pay for drinks using bitcoin.


Kako do prvega bitcoina in kako ga hraniti,

Ker je prvi nakup bitcoina ter njegova nadaljna hramba pri večini začetnikov zelo stresna izkušnja, smo se odločili, da tokrat začnemo povsem na začetku. Danilo nam bo na naslednjem meetupu predstavil kako najlažje kupiti prve satoshije (delčki bitcoina) ter kako jih varno hraniti. Pregledali bomo kaj vse je potrebno storiti ob prvem nakupu, kje je najenostavneje, kako ga opravimo najceneje in kje ga opravimo najhitreje. Seveda je po nakupu potrebno sredstva varno spraviti in tudi to bo tema tokratnega meetupa.

Januarski meetup namenjen popolnim začetnikom, ki šele vstopajo v svet bitcoina in jim nakup povzroča težave. Seveda so vabljeni tudi bolj izkušeni, da bomo lahko izmenjali mnenja, ideje in izkušnje. 🤷‍♂️

📅 Thursday, January 25, 2024
🕔 Time: 7:00 PM – 9:00 PM CET
📍 Hotel Betnava
Ulica Eve Lovše 15 · Maribor


Bitcoin Maribor connects people with interest in Bitcoin and Lightning Network through monthly meetups with short presentations and long discussions about all things Bitcoin.

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