TEZ/DEV is the Tezos ecosystem annual summit gathering global speakers to share their ideas, innovations, and the driving forces that led to their involvement in the Tezos blockchain.
Speakers include:
- Arthur Breitman, Co-Founder, Tezos
- Hadrien Zerah, Head of BD and Support, Nomadic Labs
- Alessandro De Carli, President of Board, Acurast
- Alex Liu, Director Of Operations, Tezos Commons
- Andrea Cerone, Software Engineer, Trilitech
- Bernd Oostrum, Co-founder, Plenty & Naan
- Charles Baldet, Head of Sales & Partnerships, Billy
- Dmitriy Kovalevskiy, Founder, Kord.fi
- Jean Schmitt, Lead Backend Developer, Ubisoft
- Marco Reber, CEO, Ecoo
- Markus Läng, Project Manager, Papers
- Martin Lynge, VP of Gaming, Misfits Gaming and Block Born
- Vlad Horilyi, COO, Madfish Solutions
- Zaki Manian, Co-founder, Sommelier Protocol
Venue: Fabrique Événementielle
Paris, France
Website: https://tezos.com/tez-dev/