


Local time: Timezone: (UTC-04:00) Eastern Daylight Time (US & Canada)Date: Apr 13 2023Time: 10:00 AM - 06:00 PM

Location: The Tower, Boston, MA


Sustainable Blockchain Summit 2023

Sustainable Blockchain Summit 2023 in Boston brings together experts and curious minds from ReFi, Energy Systems, Carbon Markets, and Cryptoeconomics to discuss and collaborate on projects that align the global economy with the natural world.

Hosted by Protocol Labs, SBS is a premier forum for those looking to make a positive impact on the world and explore the intersection of web3 and the biosphere. SBS Boston aims to bring together the ReFi and Web3 community, MITEC sustainability professionals, academics, policy makers, and East Coast students.

Attendees can expect a jam-packed schedule of expert talks, panels, and workshops.

Speakers include:

  • Jason Jay,  Director of the Sustainability Initiative, MIT Sloan School of Management
  • Kirsteen Harrison, Environmental Manager, Zumo
  • Alexandre Paris, Technical Officer, UNFCCC
  • Killian Daly, General Manager, EnergyTag
  • Jaye Connolly-LaBelle, CEO, Caelum Resources
  • Peter Rosberg, Carbon Markets Product, Ripple
  • Joshua Soloway, CEO, EthicStream
  • Sebastien Hess, Founder & CEO, Block Green
  • Alan Ransil, Project Lead, Filecoin Green
  • Isha Varshney, Head of DeFi, Celo Foundation
  • Sam Flanagan, Founder, Web3ForGood
  • Jason Kaasovic, Founder,,  Web3 Renewables

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