
Blockchain Technology Conference 2019 — November 11-13, 2019

The Blockchain Technology Conference gives you deep insights into a world augmented by distributed ledger technology; it features in-depth sessions and workshops on principles, programming techniques and real-world applications.

Join us to master building, managing and deploying blockchain apps & gain a deep understanding of smart contracts, cutting edge cipher algorithms, dApps & more.

Speakers include:

  • Xavier Arias, Web3Labs
  • Zoltan Fazekas, Iteratec
  • Matthew Kaye, Blockhead Capitol
  • Ivaylo Kirilov, Web3Labs
  • Thomas Krech, Commerzbank AG / main incubator GmbH
  • Arnaud Le Hors, IBM

Venue: Hotel Nhow Berlin
Stralauer Allee 3, 10245 Berlin, Germany


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